operating systems

Smartphone operating systems

Today’s mobile device market is quite huge and diverse and brands, trying to find their place, are constantly delving into features. Processors, RAM or device size, cameras and so on deserve attention.

But in reality, these are all secondary points, as the most important thing is the core. The operating system deserves attention in the first place. For the speed and functionality of the device depends on it. And it is worth to understand what operating systems are available today.

Operating system, what can it be?

Now there are only three types of operating system:

  1. iOS.
  2. Android.
  3. Windows Phone.

Of course, they differ from each other in many ways, each option has its own features and disadvantages.


It is the most popular system at the moment and has a large market share. It is the brainchild of Google, which since its launch, which was in 2008, has started an active development. The feature of the system is its openness and flexibility, i.e. it is possible to personalize the system for the user. But it is also worth highlighting the additional advantages:

  1. There are practically no restrictions.  The appearance and parameters can be changed at will.
  2. A large number of applications. And there is a constantly growing number of software for a wide variety of needs.
  3. Constant updates. This allows you to always download the latest software without bugs.
  4. Openness.  Of course, this is both a plus and a minus at the same time. The OS is now available for any device. But sometimes it entails hang-ups.
  5. Customisation. As already mentioned, it’s possible to practically personalise the device.
What is the best operating system for smartphones


This option is only found on Apple products. And in fact this OS competes with Android. And there are some advantages as well:

  1. Optimization. The system is customised for the company’s products, so it is offered as a closed system. But it runs fast, almost flawlessly, and stable, which is also a plus.
  2. Design. The look and feel is a definite plus. As for the interface, it’s clear and concise and eye-catching.
  3. Autonomy. This is a competitive advantage that many are already aware of. 
  4. Simplicity. Everything is very clear on an intuitive level.

But because of the closed system, there are often difficulties.

Windows Phone

This variant is not so actively used by consumers. The first two variants really dominate the market. But it is still worth considering some features of this system:

  1. A unique system that is unlike any other. The interface is striking and memorable.
  2. Thanks to the fact that it is Windows, it is possible to link a smartphone and a PC, which is quite convenient for work.
  3. Low requirements. It’s a lightweight system that doesn’t require a lot of RAM.
  4. Security. Tests have shown that the system is one of the safest.